DancePro Academy brings the love of dance and performing arts to all its students – click to find a class for you

Bring a Buddy and Dress Up for Charity

15th October 2023 1 minute read

Once again we are raising money for the children’s charity, Make A Wish UK on the week commencing the 16th October.

Students can invite friends to join them in their classes and dress up in their spookiest costumes for a party week.

Donations can be made in cash during the week or immediately via our Just giving page.


Please ensure invited friends are the correct age for the class they’re attending and they provide contact details.

If you have a fancy dress costume that no longer fits your child, pop it on the FB page as I am sure someone will be looking for one!

DancePro Academy LTD is Registered in England and Wales, 10939508

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